Did Westchester Ever Partake in Tupperware Parties?? Who Cares?? A Botox & Injectable Party is DEFINITELY a Huge Hit in Westchester!!
I am not sure if the sophisticated woman that resides in Westchester County is domesticated at all…I am confident that she is nearly hairless, has impeccable skin, qualifies as being physically fit and is absolutely obsessed with anti-aging products. As your Beauty Expert I need to bare the whole truth and nothing less. The average woman in Westchester will try and do anything suggested to them if it diminishes an unwanted line, wrinkle or removes any marks from her face. When I suggested a “Botox & Injectable Party” to my good friend and colleague Diane Mammana, Owner of Salon Posh, Mamaroneck, NY…she was supportive and we began the planning! I have been having Botox & Juviderm since the young age of 27 and love the results. I have not been loyal to one plastic surgeon and have been ecstatic with each and every plastic surgeon in my Injectable Journey. Diane and I recently had our Botox & Juviderm administered by Dr. William Losquadro, Otolaryngology & Facial Plastic Surgeon of Mount Kisco Medical Group. Diane and I fell in love!! His technique and natural disposition was a perfect fit for what we were looking for. Recently, we approached Dr. Losquadro about our idea and he was privileged to be the Major Player in our Party!
JKFlashy & Salon Posh’s Botox & Injectable Party is next Tuesday October 23rd in the evening at Dr. Losquadro’s Katonah office. The social media response and overall consensus has been extraordinary! Women are intrigued and want an appointment, eager to attend and observe or have had questions and are finally coming out and asking. In our experience there is a direct correlation between younger females and committing to an Injectable appointment versus a mature audience has questions and wants to watch.
As your Beauty Expert, I encourage you to step out of your “box” ask questions if you have any and explore the Westchester Beauty Culture.